Connect the field and unleash the potential with Ethernet-APL
The advanced physical layer for Ethernet, Ethernet-APL, meets the requirements of process plants and brings Ethernet with all its advantages to the field. With Ethernet-APL, digitalization in process plants is fully enabled and benefits are achieved across all life cycle phases.
For engineers:
- Designed for process and hybrid industries
- State-of-the-art technology supporting digitalization concepts- Flexible and scalable network topology design
- No need for hazardous area calculations (2-WISE)
- High availability by a variety of redundancy mechanismsFor operators and maintenance personnel:
- Increased performance by accurate digital process values, high-speed data transfer and simple remote device access- Optimized reliability by continuous diagnostics, monitoring and remote verification
- Seamless data access by homogeneous network for the 2nd channel and the IIoT
- Start-up records for automatic configuration at device exchange
Why Ethernet-APL?

With Ethernet-APL it is possible to realize different topologies – depending on the requirements of the process plant. In general, it can be distinguished between star topologies as well as trunk and spur topologies.
Possibilites with Ethernet-APL
Independent of the topology, the upper layer integration is the same – via standard Ethernet mechanisms.
Integration to process control system via the industrial Ethernet protocol functionalities (e.g. via GSD for PROFINET)
Integration to an asset management tool (e.g. FieldCare) via device driver (FDI Package)
Web server of the devices can be accessed via the standard Ethernet protocol http
For the IIoT, the data can be transferred easily via edge devices to upper layer applications where digital services can provide the added value based on the valuable data from the field level
Ethernet-APL applications
Ethernet-APL can be used everywhere, where 4 to 20 mA and fieldbus technologies are used today. The field devices and infrastructure products fit perfectly for heavy industries – mainly for greenfield projects but with some modifications also in brownfield.
Ethernet-APL fits to many applications across different industries where some of the following use cases are relevant:
Explosion hazardous areas
Asset management for many measuring points
Efforts for calibration of analog communication loops
Monitoring and optimization, e.g. by using the 2nd channel
Easy access to device diagnostics
Additional process quality information