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product picture of the process gas analyzer MKAS

process gas analyzer

The flexible analyzer system for process- and emission-measurement applications

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Measuring / Application task

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  • Measuring principle

    O2: Electrochemical / Paramagnetic, Toxic gases: NDIR / UV / FID / Thermal Conductivity

  • Measured variables

    O2, CO, NO, NOx, SO2, Ar, CBrF3, CClF3, CCl2F2, CCl3F, CHClF2, CHCl3, CH2Cl2, CH2O, CH3Cl, CH3OH, (CH3)2O, CH4, CO, CO2, CS2, C2Cl2F4, C2Cl3F3, C2Cl4, C2HCl3, C2H2, C2H2Cl2, C2H2F4, C2H3Cl3, C2H4, C2H4Cl2, C2H5OH, C2H6, C3H4, C3H6, C3H7OH, C3H8, C3H8O2, C4H6, C4H8, C4H10, C4H8O, C4H9OH, C5H12, C6H10O, C6H12, C6H14, C7H16, C7H8, C8H10, He, H2, H2O, NH3, SF6, N2O, TOC, H2

  • Ambient temperature range

    Indoor: +5 °C ... +35 °C
    Can be expanded on the system side if necessary
    Indoor with cooling unit: +5 °C ... +50 °C
    Can be expanded on the system side if necessary
    Outdoor: –20 °C ... +50 °C
    Can be expanded on the system side if necessary

  • Degree of protection

    Indoor: IP54
    Can be expanded on the system side if necessary
    Indoor with cooling unit: IP34
    Can be expanded on the system side if necessary
    Outdoor with cooling unit: IP56
    Can be expanded on the system side if necessary

  • Product safety
