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  • History

Complete care of your safety applications

Heat transport network in good hands

VWS Pipeline-Control is responsible for the maintenance and the availability of the installations of their client Warmtebedrijf Rotterdam. The pripelines transport hot water to the operators of district heating networks which distribute it to thousands of houses in Rotterdam area. VWS Pipeline-Control works closely with Endress+Hauser on the maintenance of their safety loops.

Heat transport network in good hands with WS Pipeline-Control ©WS Pipeline-Control

Main benefits

  • Maintenance plan and regular functional proof tests in place ensure increased safety and process availability of the safety instrumented systems

  • The city of Rotterdam is supplied with sufficient hot water

  • Extensive and detailed reports readily available

Heat transport network in good hands with WS Pipeline-Control

Complete operational process installation successfully full proof validated.

Mr. Marc van den Heuvel, Installatiebeheerder Pipeline Control
VWS Pipeline-Control

Ensure safety, prevent damages, and protect the environment

Safety is a paramount at VWS Pipeline-Control. With hundreds of kilometers of pipeline in The Netherlands, gas or liquids are transported in both urban and rural areas. Any changes to the product specifications or the capacity can damage the pipeline and potentially bring people at risk. Therefore it is of great importance to have an optimum maintenance plan.

To ensure a required Safety Integrity Level (SIL) of the safety loop is achieved, all the instruments in the safety loop need to be checked timely and with an appropriate assessment. The assessment differs per application requirement and is defined as either a full functional proof test or a partial proof test.

Functional Proof tests were performed in 3 different locations where in total of 22 SIL loops were tested. One inlet SIL loop consists of 2 pressure transmitters, PLC and a pump (1oo2 rating). The outlet SIL loop consists of 3 pressure transmitters, PLC and a pump (2oo3 rating) as presented in the picture.